Debunking Common Garage Door Myths

Debunking Common Garage Door Myths

The amount of information at our fingertips is overwhelming. With this plethora of information available to us, everything we read and hear is true, right?

We all know that isn’t true. So, when it comes to our garage doors, how do we know what is fact and what is fiction? Common sense is a good start, but not everything about garage doors is so simple.

Let’s debunk some of the most common garage door myths.


No Maintenance Required

While garage doors are inherently reliable, they are not invincible. With many moving parts and thousands of cycles per year, your garage door requires the same TLC your car and lawn require.

By taking 15 to 20 minutes each month to check for issues, lubricate, and make any small adjustments, you can easily avoid the major issues related to improper preventative garage door maintenance.

READ MORE: Preventative Garage Door Maintenance


Everything Is DIY

While certain maintenance tasks, as we covered above, can be done by yourself, your garage door is more dangerous and complex than you might think.

For example, the only thing you should do to the spring is nothing. This is an ‘observe only’ feature and should be treated like a museum artifact. Existing under an extreme amount of tension, a garage door spring can be deadly.

As for major adjustments, broken parts, missing panels, dysfunctional opener, and other significant problems, make sure to contact a technician. We have seen to many homeowners turn a small, but complex, fix into a major repair.


Noise = Character

We’ve all met a garage door with a loud voice. However, this isn’t simply a personality trait. It is likely a sign of a serious issue and could potentially be dangerous.

From loose bolts and dry moving parts to worn weather strips and broken springs, there are multiple culprits of garage door noise. While replacing a worn out weather strip is a DIY project, most of the issues need to be dealt with professionally.

LEARN MORE: Why Your Garage Door Is Noisy & How To Silence It

Myth 4

Can’t Accessorize

When it comes to your garage door, it’s not an ‘it is what it is’ situation. There are various ways to make your garage door safer and more versatile.

OHD Anywhere App and Smart Wall Controller. With the OHD Anywhere™ App and Smart Wall Controller, you are given the ability to control, and monitor, your garage door from anywhere.

Battery Backup. Whether due to severe weather or a random fluke event, a power outage means a paralyzed garage door. In the event that your home is victim to a power outage, a battery backup allows you to continue operating your garage door.

Conversion Kit. Just as credit card skimmers steal credit card information, code-grabbers have the ability to steal your garage code. With a conversion kit, your garage door opener features a CodeDodger security system. This system continually roles your code among billions of combinations, making it impossible to grab your code.

Safe-T Beams. With our self-diagnostic Safe-T Beams, your garage not only reverses in the event that your sensors detect a obstruction, but they also possess the ability to:

  • Alert you of improper installation or malfunctions
  • Send you a self-diagnostic code – each code represents a unique problem and solution
  • Adjust sensitivity
  • Automatically reverse door if any component malfunctions

Myth 5

Insulation Is Just An Upsell

In an extreme climate like ours, insulation is extremely effective and can reduce the amount of heat lost through the garage door by over 70 percent.

In the winter, this means protection from frozen pipes, high energy bills, garage doors being frozen shut, and creeping cold air. In the summer, it protects from heat creeping into your home.

Moreover, garage door insulation technology has come a long way and is now very affordable and very easy to install.

If you are unsure about the truth associated with these myths, contact our team today.